Wednesday 24 September 2014

Techniques On Shrinking Pores

Everyone hates pores, large pores provide a base for blackheads and pimples - trust me you wont want that happening, and the last thing you want to do is put loads of chemicals on it. Here are a few ways on getting rid of pores the natural way.

Wash face with warm water and pure soap. Rinse off. Splash cold water and dry well with a coarse towel. Rub the fresh juice of a lemon over the entire face and allow it to dry. Wash off. The lemon juice acts as a astringent which clears and closes pores.

Clean your face with warm water. Apply two tablespoons of milk of magnesia. Rinse off after twenty minutes with tepid water and finish off with cold water.

Soak 5 almonds for an hour. Grind to a paste using a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

On a washed clean face, apply the white of an egg and leave on for 25 minutes. Wash off using lukewarm water and follow with cold water.

Saturate cotton wool with buttermilk. Pat over face and allow to dry before rinsing off.

A combination of equal quantities of tomato juice and butter milk is also  an excellent pore tightened.

Apricots combined with the pulp of a tomato is an amazing way to shrink pores.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Hair Types

Hair types may be classified under four categories, normal, dry, greasy and combination hair. If you're not sure what hair type you are just continue reading.

Normal Hair ;
Has a healthy natural bounce and sheen, it is neither dry nor greasy. And is quite manageable

Dry Hair :
Mainly caused by excess heat. bleaching, strong shampoo's, frequent shampooing and a bad diet. Dry hair mostly have split ends and needs frequent deep conditioning treatment. Oil treatment for the scalp using almond, olive or coco nut oil will improve the problem also rinsing your hair is another good way.

Greasy Hair :
Caused by hormonal imbalances. Environment conditions like weather and humidity also contributes to the problem. Greasy hair looks dull, lank and isnt manageable for styling. It need frequent shampooing with mild shampoo and the ends of the hair need to be conditioned.

Combination Hair :
Very greasy at the scalp and dry split ends. Good conditioner is suitable to fix the problem. Try to avoid unhealthy food and you must have a good diet.

Milk Baths + DIY

Milk baths are an ideal way to nourish and soften your skin, And they can be a bit pricey from time to time so why not make your own ? Here's a few DIY'S 

 Add 4-5 teaspoons of milk powder to your bath water.

♥ Take a muslin bags and fill it with :
- 3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder
- 3 tablespoons of oatmeal powder
- 3 tablespoons of laundry starch

Dip the bag into a bucket of cold water and leave it immersed for five minutes or until the water turns milky. Bathe with this water.

♥  - 3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, 
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil
- 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder
- 2 pints of water to the milk and oatmeal powder.

strain and add the almond oil. pour into the tub, soak in this and rinse of with lukewarm water.

Bath Oils + DIY

Small drops of olive oil or almond oil added to the water to your bath leaves your skin in a creamy, shiny and smooth skin.

Aromatherapy is the use of scented essential oils. They help to improve circulation, soothe tiredness and even help fight infections. Rose, lavender, and camomile is said to be the best oils for relaxing. And inhaling essence like sandalwood and camomile is apparently calming to the mind. Continue reading for a DIY on how to make your own bath oil.

DIY : Rich Bath Oil.

You will need ;
- 4 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1 table spoon shampoo
- 16 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
- 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice

Method :
All the ingredients must be blended together, store in a glass bottle and use 1-2 tablespoons for your bath. Enjoy and relax x

The Perfect Winged Eyeliner

Want the perfect winged eye liner, but always find it hard to master and find it way too tricky ?Well today I'm showing how I do my winged eye liner, which is so easy to do. Just continue reading to find out how.

Start with the Barry M angled eye liner brush dip it into your favourite gel eye liner, i suggest the sleek gel eye liner in dominatrix or the Rimmel gel eye liner and dap it onto the back of your hand to remove any excess, just so you have a nice thin layer on the brush.

Look into the mirror and line the brush on the inner corner of your eye, and point it towards the end of your eye brow and join it to the outer corner of your eye.You will notice a small triangle and fill it in, Fill in the bottom lash line and connect it to the wing. Join any bits together to make it flow into each other. Using a matte black eye shadow go over the eye liner you just done to hold everything in place. i use the MAC and Mickey contractor palette. And your done, may take a bit of practice but never give up! xx

Avocado Mask - Dry Skin

( I just realised that I spelt avocado wrong. Well done Lola, well done ! )

Carrot Mask - Sensitive Skin

Cleansing Mask For Dry Skin

Cleansing Mask For Oily Skin

Turmeric Cleansing Mask

Yoghurt And Egg Face Mask

Tuesday 9 September 2014

50 Facts About Me

Here's 50 facts about me which i just realized iv never done a post on, so here we go!

1) My full name is Lola Elizabeth Iris Rose Jones Couture - 6 names
2) I am 17 years old
3) i was born on 1st of may 1997.
4) I have a boyfriend called Daniel :)
5) Im an only child ( Hoping to have a little brother or sister since by mum is getting married yay )
6) I am a Christian
7) I do some modelling not so often now as im busy with school.
8) Im 5'3 size 3 in shoes
9) I am British from London
10) My favourite flower is a rose.
11) I have Blue eyes and Blonde hair
12) I do some modelling not so often now as im busy with school.
13) obsessed with vintage fashion
14) I teach a small number of kids maths, science, English
15) i weight 5 1/5 to 6 stones.
16) I LOVE Autumn and Winter
17) I get attached to films and tv shows right now its the walking dead.
18) 18 is my favourite number
19) i love horror movies
20) Im a bit of a klutz i bump into things and stuff..
21) i had an eye operation a month ago because i was slightly cross eyed
22) I own too much clothes and i don't know why i still have them even if i dont wear it
23) I have my ears and my belly button pierced
24) Iv lived in London my whole life
25) Every phone i have owned had been dropped on the floored or has been cracked
26) I love cats
27) I once had a bearded dragon called Jeffrey.
28) In my grandparents house we've had a snake, a crab, fish, turtles and a hamster
29) I was born when my mum was only 16
30) I have no dad, i don't know who it is.
31) im going to have a stepfather this time next year.
32) I want to travel the world
33) Iv been to France, Fiji, Morocco, Dubai, Malaysia,
34) When i love a song i will listen to it till i dont like it anymore
35) I like to sing and play the guitar
36) there is only 4 month difference between me and my cousin brother Aidan.
37) I think iv forgotten how to swim since the last time i did a test was in year 4.
38) i have a foster family
39) In my foster family i have a mum, dad, brother and a sister and i am also an aunty :)
40) I can speak in French, English and a bit of spanish
41) I support Chelsea because i live in that area in London.
42) My nans food is probably the best food ever
43) People say me and my cousin Aidan fight like brother and sister.
44) I got kicked out of a private school
45) When i was 8 i had anorexia.
46) I hate insects and creepy crawlies
47) Im a very very messy person
48) Lucky charms are my favourite cereal but its hard to get in the uk
49) I have a phobia of vomit - i can't stand it at all !
50) Tango ice blast is the best thing to get at the cinema

Friday 18 July 2014

Favourite Anime Movies/TV Series

Today's post is about my "Favourite Anime Movies/TV Series". First of all I love anime and I am hooked to many series and re-watch my favourite anime moves all the time. So here's a list of my favourite's:

1) Ponyo:

This is something i could watch over and over again. I used to watch this when i was little and i still love now that im 17! Its always making me laugh and brings a smile to my face. Its one of the best movies ever so it goes first on my list. (After this post im gonna go watch some ponyo) - i so wished i was in that movie.

2) My Neighbour Totoro:


This my favourite movie of all time you might say its a kids movie but i still love it - well i love any movie by Ghibli Productions are awesome but this is by far my favourite movie.

3) Attack On Titan:

This one of the Tv series i can't stop watching. so far i have finished season 2 and am soon gonna go watch season 3. Its a shame that the series is in Japanese however i still love to watch it with subtitles or the dubbed version, both are really good.

4. Death Note:

I didn't know what death note was until by friend had introduced me to it and i am so im love with it. I have only started to watch and im still going to continue to watch it till I've gone bored with it (which i hope wont happen)


Thursday 19 June 2014

Charity Shop Haul: Fairy Tale Jigsaw Books

So the other day i went to the charity shop to give away a whole pile of old clothes that i don't wear any more or have simply gone small and have just been stuffed at the back of my closet getting lost with all the new clothes i buy.

While i was at the charity shop i decided to have a look around and i picked up these two fairy take books which i thought my 3 year old cousin Eliza would love, they both costed me 50p. I think the company of the books are 'Innovage'.

If still don't know what they are then they are fairy take jigsaw books, each book has 3 stories in them and each page has a puzzle for you to do. And i though it would be fun to read them to my cousin since she loves both reading and doing puzzles.

The first book i got had the three stories: Snow white and the seven dwarfs, Rumplestilskin, and Rapunzel. 

The second book had three different stories which were; Sleeping beauty. Puss in the boots, and Red riding hood. - This one had a few puzzle pieces missing but it wasn't brand new so its fine.

 Some of the pictures can be a bit weird or frightening especially this one from puss in boots. (Below) lets just hope that my cousin is not afraid of this picture.

But overall im quite happy with these books because they only costs 50p and you can't go wrong with that, i'll be sure to read these to Eliza, hopefully she will like it.


Wednesday 28 May 2014

Review: Next Cashmere Palette

So the other day i was shopping at 'Next' and i came across this eye shadow palette. Since i do reviews on product for people that have a budget but still want good quality products i decided to buy it because its very similar to another product, and this palatte only costs £6.00.

 I realized that it was really similar to the 'Urban Decay Palette' but much cheaper. I have all three of the Naked Palettes and it was very easy to compare the product.

If you can tell the colours are very similar, the only thing i don't like about the next palette is that most of the colours are shimmery but the pigmentation is similar to the naked palette but obviously you would have to wear primer with it to make it last just as long.

Overall i think this product is quite good and i think you guys should try it out for yourself. x

Monday 26 May 2014


Today im going to be doing a review on a bag, its from a company called highspritbags and it is formed by two guys.

Its basically a 'Theft Proof Bag' which i thought was amazing. I am a very paranoid person and all the time i am thinking someone is going to steal or pickpocket my bag or go through it. whether i am travelling or at school. These came out a year ago and im wondering why the hell have i got this now. So i bought this one its a green-ish snake skin kinda colour. its cost £85 which is pricey but it is good quality and well it keeps your things safe.

So you might be wondering how it works and how it is safe, well at the back of the bag their is a zip where all your stuff goes inside so when its on your back no one will be able to find the zip because its against your back and well no one will steal your things.

Exams & Revision

So most of you may be taking exams. Some of you will be doing your GCSE'S and some will be doing their SATS while others might be doing other exams to move sets and much. I realized that this time of the year everyone is doing some sort of exam and revising, so I thought i would share my tips and advise on revising.

♥ You should always have a plan, when i was planning for my GCSE'S the easiest way for me to revise was to brain storm. I did this with any subject Maths, Sceince, English. And it helped id have the topic in the middle in a bubble and have lines coming off it into more different sections and went into more detail with little notes around it. (Example: below of what i mean)

(You get the picture, its clouds with words inside that are linked to other weird clouds)

Buy text books, you can get them from any book shop or just go to a charity shop and buy some, they all have similar information, read the book from front to back. The bigger the book the better, once a science teacher said to me "Buy a big fat juicy text book and you will pass your GCSE'S" i took his advise and bought a book and read it back to back, even if it was boring in the end i passed my gcse's with an A*. 

Do practise exams, you either buy some from a book shop, buy online or print off the internet. Do the test and mark it with the mark scheme and see what score you get. go over the ones you get wrong and do another test but in a higher level. 

(Sorry for the shitty drawing, (its ment to be a test paper))

♥ Buy revision guides they are just as good as text books but cut out all the crap and leave you with all the important noted you will need.

Get a tutor. Its just like school but there would be less people and much more easier to concentrate. 

Take notes; while reading your textbook so if you ever forget something you can check your notes and test yourself.

(Another Shitty Drawing)

Have your notes on your wall, if your willing to mess up your room. Each night just look at the wall and take in all those notes into your head.

Also switch everything off ! Your phone, Tablet, Tv, Ipod, Everything ! and revise for a good 1 hour (Have your food as well, and maybe you can listen to music while you revise if it helps, you dont wanna end up writing the lyrics down instead, because iv done that once)

Good luck to those of you that have exams,
And i hope that you all pass,
So get revising those A*'s are not gonna come by its self x

DIY: Jam Jar Vases

A simple and fun way to decorate your house or bedroom with these cute 'Jam Jar Vases' They are easy to make and look pretty for this summer.


- Remove the labels and glue residue from the jars, then wash and dry them.

- Stir the paint and pour a generous amount into the jars. Put on the lids of the jars and swirl the paint around until the interiors are evenly coated. Use a paintbrush to finish the inside of the rims.

- Pour the excess paint into a bowl and place the jars upside down on newspaper to dry – depending on the thickness of the paint, this can take up to 48 hours.

- Once the jars are dry, decorate with stick-on flowers. If you are going to use any of the jars as a vase for fresh flowers and fill it with water, make sure the paint isn’t water-soluble. Or place a plastic cup inside the jar and fill with water to prevent the inside of the jar becoming wet.         
Once they are dry put your favourite flowers inside of them and place around your home or in your bedroom x

Friday 16 May 2014

DIY: Daisy Bunting

Summers here and today im showing you a way to make your bedroom or places around your house more summery with these gorgeous daisy's ! 

You will need :
- toilet tissue cardboard tubes
- poster paint in lots of colours
- Strong glue
- coloured string
- rolling pin
- scissors
- cloths peg
- paint brush
- newspaper

Steps : 

1. Press the cardboard tube flat lengthways, the re-flatten with a rolling pin to give the folds a crisp edge.

2. cut the tube into six equal sections to make six oval petals

3. Lay the ring flat and lengthways on the newspaper surface apply a drop of glue 1.5cm from one folded edge, place a second ring on top so it is lying with the ring below it. repeat to all the rings , stack together with a peg and let it dry.

4. Let the glue dry and glue the last two rings together.

5. Once you have the amount of daisys you want, paint them and leave to dry on newspaper.

6.thread ribbon or string through one petal of each daisy and hang it up.

MUA Matte Lipstick Peachy Keen Review

So i never usually buy make up from MUA but i was thinking maybe try out their make up instead of always buying the higher end make up. MUA products are sold in any drug store (superdrugs, boots) and i though maybe start blogging about makeup that are really cheap and affordable for you teens that are new to make up and want to start to wear make up.

Anyway i was checking out their lipstick range and started swatching the colours on my hand, and i was surprised that the pigmentation of these products are actually really good. I was looking at their matte lipsticks and though i would buy some and see how they went. I bought one just in case i didnt like it on my lips; i bought the matte lipstick in peachy keen and i have to say i love the name !

MUA Matte Lipstick Peachy Keen

Peachy keen is actually a really nice peachy colour and i like the fact that they have a bit of lipstick at the bottom so if you cant get hold of a tester you can see through it and be able to tell what colour it is. overall it is quite pigmented and you can build it up however much you like. The packaging is very cute, and i was very surprised because

it only cost £1.00 !!!

for that amount of money i think its very cheap and really really affordable and im sure you can get this anywhere. Its good quality and i last on my lips like any other lipstick but it does come off a bit if you a drinking or eating - so you would have to touch up.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Sleek Lipstick Haul / Review

Sleek Make up are a drug store brand, which sells cheap but high quality make up. So the other day I bought five more sleek matte lipsticks as it is spring. And I don't want to go around in the sun wearing dark winter colour lipstick on my lips.

The first two lipsticks from the picture above (from the left) i have been wearing a lot in the cold winter months. However i bought five more lipsticks for the spring and the summer.

They are very pigmented and matte lipsticks and i love them, they glide on very well and look great on the lips. But sometimes when i glide them on my lips it sometimes goes back in, if you know what i mean. But on the other hand they are really pretty and very moisturising for a matte lipstick. 

Also they are very small and compact but are oval shaped so you do have a lot of lipstick in them even though it is quite small and they last a really long time on your lips, while eating and drinking. You may need to touch up but its not that visible if it comes off. I would definitely re-purchase !

The 'Tangerine Scream' which i forgot to put in the picture is very very similar to the mac orange lipstick, they are both very pigmented and i actually have to say the sleek one is better than the mac one and i could save more money on the sleek one than the mac one since they are both the same. Its very bright and summery and i love orange so for me is amazing !

so if you are on a budget these are the lipsticks to buy !

Thursday 17 April 2014

How to: Apply Concealer

Concealer is the best way to hide blemishes and dark circles, in 60 seconds you brighten your face and hide those uneven skin tones...

A roll on applicator will moisturise and hydrate those under eye circles giving it the best base for your concealer.

1) Apply concealer under your eyes on the dark areas, the best way to apply concealer is a pie shape this way will cover the darkness you are trying to hide more. I use Rimmel Wake me up Concealer in the shade Ivory 

2) Blending in is very important, when you have your pie shape under your eyes gently blend and smooth out the concealer without it creasing (that's the last thing you want happening) using your finger will help it sink into your skin more and it won't crease. The ring finger is the best finger to apply concealer as it is weaker and will not press hard again your eye. As the skin around your eyes are very delicate

3) To set apply powder. and gently using a brush lightly powder the area to give it a more of a natural look, with a matt finish without any creasing