Wednesday 24 September 2014

Techniques On Shrinking Pores

Everyone hates pores, large pores provide a base for blackheads and pimples - trust me you wont want that happening, and the last thing you want to do is put loads of chemicals on it. Here are a few ways on getting rid of pores the natural way.

Wash face with warm water and pure soap. Rinse off. Splash cold water and dry well with a coarse towel. Rub the fresh juice of a lemon over the entire face and allow it to dry. Wash off. The lemon juice acts as a astringent which clears and closes pores.

Clean your face with warm water. Apply two tablespoons of milk of magnesia. Rinse off after twenty minutes with tepid water and finish off with cold water.

Soak 5 almonds for an hour. Grind to a paste using a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

On a washed clean face, apply the white of an egg and leave on for 25 minutes. Wash off using lukewarm water and follow with cold water.

Saturate cotton wool with buttermilk. Pat over face and allow to dry before rinsing off.

A combination of equal quantities of tomato juice and butter milk is also  an excellent pore tightened.

Apricots combined with the pulp of a tomato is an amazing way to shrink pores.

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