Tuesday 9 September 2014

50 Facts About Me

Here's 50 facts about me which i just realized iv never done a post on, so here we go!

1) My full name is Lola Elizabeth Iris Rose Jones Couture - 6 names
2) I am 17 years old
3) i was born on 1st of may 1997.
4) I have a boyfriend called Daniel :)
5) Im an only child ( Hoping to have a little brother or sister since by mum is getting married yay )
6) I am a Christian
7) I do some modelling not so often now as im busy with school.
8) Im 5'3 size 3 in shoes
9) I am British from London
10) My favourite flower is a rose.
11) I have Blue eyes and Blonde hair
12) I do some modelling not so often now as im busy with school.
13) obsessed with vintage fashion
14) I teach a small number of kids maths, science, English
15) i weight 5 1/5 to 6 stones.
16) I LOVE Autumn and Winter
17) I get attached to films and tv shows right now its the walking dead.
18) 18 is my favourite number
19) i love horror movies
20) Im a bit of a klutz i bump into things and stuff..
21) i had an eye operation a month ago because i was slightly cross eyed
22) I own too much clothes and i don't know why i still have them even if i dont wear it
23) I have my ears and my belly button pierced
24) Iv lived in London my whole life
25) Every phone i have owned had been dropped on the floored or has been cracked
26) I love cats
27) I once had a bearded dragon called Jeffrey.
28) In my grandparents house we've had a snake, a crab, fish, turtles and a hamster
29) I was born when my mum was only 16
30) I have no dad, i don't know who it is.
31) im going to have a stepfather this time next year.
32) I want to travel the world
33) Iv been to France, Fiji, Morocco, Dubai, Malaysia,
34) When i love a song i will listen to it till i dont like it anymore
35) I like to sing and play the guitar
36) there is only 4 month difference between me and my cousin brother Aidan.
37) I think iv forgotten how to swim since the last time i did a test was in year 4.
38) i have a foster family
39) In my foster family i have a mum, dad, brother and a sister and i am also an aunty :)
40) I can speak in French, English and a bit of spanish
41) I support Chelsea because i live in that area in London.
42) My nans food is probably the best food ever
43) People say me and my cousin Aidan fight like brother and sister.
44) I got kicked out of a private school
45) When i was 8 i had anorexia.
46) I hate insects and creepy crawlies
47) Im a very very messy person
48) Lucky charms are my favourite cereal but its hard to get in the uk
49) I have a phobia of vomit - i can't stand it at all !
50) Tango ice blast is the best thing to get at the cinema

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