Saturday 20 September 2014

Bath Oils + DIY

Small drops of olive oil or almond oil added to the water to your bath leaves your skin in a creamy, shiny and smooth skin.

Aromatherapy is the use of scented essential oils. They help to improve circulation, soothe tiredness and even help fight infections. Rose, lavender, and camomile is said to be the best oils for relaxing. And inhaling essence like sandalwood and camomile is apparently calming to the mind. Continue reading for a DIY on how to make your own bath oil.

DIY : Rich Bath Oil.

You will need ;
- 4 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1 table spoon shampoo
- 16 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
- 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice

Method :
All the ingredients must be blended together, store in a glass bottle and use 1-2 tablespoons for your bath. Enjoy and relax x

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