Monday 26 May 2014

Exams & Revision

So most of you may be taking exams. Some of you will be doing your GCSE'S and some will be doing their SATS while others might be doing other exams to move sets and much. I realized that this time of the year everyone is doing some sort of exam and revising, so I thought i would share my tips and advise on revising.

♥ You should always have a plan, when i was planning for my GCSE'S the easiest way for me to revise was to brain storm. I did this with any subject Maths, Sceince, English. And it helped id have the topic in the middle in a bubble and have lines coming off it into more different sections and went into more detail with little notes around it. (Example: below of what i mean)

(You get the picture, its clouds with words inside that are linked to other weird clouds)

Buy text books, you can get them from any book shop or just go to a charity shop and buy some, they all have similar information, read the book from front to back. The bigger the book the better, once a science teacher said to me "Buy a big fat juicy text book and you will pass your GCSE'S" i took his advise and bought a book and read it back to back, even if it was boring in the end i passed my gcse's with an A*. 

Do practise exams, you either buy some from a book shop, buy online or print off the internet. Do the test and mark it with the mark scheme and see what score you get. go over the ones you get wrong and do another test but in a higher level. 

(Sorry for the shitty drawing, (its ment to be a test paper))

♥ Buy revision guides they are just as good as text books but cut out all the crap and leave you with all the important noted you will need.

Get a tutor. Its just like school but there would be less people and much more easier to concentrate. 

Take notes; while reading your textbook so if you ever forget something you can check your notes and test yourself.

(Another Shitty Drawing)

Have your notes on your wall, if your willing to mess up your room. Each night just look at the wall and take in all those notes into your head.

Also switch everything off ! Your phone, Tablet, Tv, Ipod, Everything ! and revise for a good 1 hour (Have your food as well, and maybe you can listen to music while you revise if it helps, you dont wanna end up writing the lyrics down instead, because iv done that once)

Good luck to those of you that have exams,
And i hope that you all pass,
So get revising those A*'s are not gonna come by its self x

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