Friday 16 May 2014

DIY: Daisy Bunting

Summers here and today im showing you a way to make your bedroom or places around your house more summery with these gorgeous daisy's ! 

You will need :
- toilet tissue cardboard tubes
- poster paint in lots of colours
- Strong glue
- coloured string
- rolling pin
- scissors
- cloths peg
- paint brush
- newspaper

Steps : 

1. Press the cardboard tube flat lengthways, the re-flatten with a rolling pin to give the folds a crisp edge.

2. cut the tube into six equal sections to make six oval petals

3. Lay the ring flat and lengthways on the newspaper surface apply a drop of glue 1.5cm from one folded edge, place a second ring on top so it is lying with the ring below it. repeat to all the rings , stack together with a peg and let it dry.

4. Let the glue dry and glue the last two rings together.

5. Once you have the amount of daisys you want, paint them and leave to dry on newspaper.

6.thread ribbon or string through one petal of each daisy and hang it up.

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