Wednesday 24 September 2014

Techniques On Shrinking Pores

Everyone hates pores, large pores provide a base for blackheads and pimples - trust me you wont want that happening, and the last thing you want to do is put loads of chemicals on it. Here are a few ways on getting rid of pores the natural way.

Wash face with warm water and pure soap. Rinse off. Splash cold water and dry well with a coarse towel. Rub the fresh juice of a lemon over the entire face and allow it to dry. Wash off. The lemon juice acts as a astringent which clears and closes pores.

Clean your face with warm water. Apply two tablespoons of milk of magnesia. Rinse off after twenty minutes with tepid water and finish off with cold water.

Soak 5 almonds for an hour. Grind to a paste using a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

On a washed clean face, apply the white of an egg and leave on for 25 minutes. Wash off using lukewarm water and follow with cold water.

Saturate cotton wool with buttermilk. Pat over face and allow to dry before rinsing off.

A combination of equal quantities of tomato juice and butter milk is also  an excellent pore tightened.

Apricots combined with the pulp of a tomato is an amazing way to shrink pores.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Hair Types

Hair types may be classified under four categories, normal, dry, greasy and combination hair. If you're not sure what hair type you are just continue reading.

Normal Hair ;
Has a healthy natural bounce and sheen, it is neither dry nor greasy. And is quite manageable

Dry Hair :
Mainly caused by excess heat. bleaching, strong shampoo's, frequent shampooing and a bad diet. Dry hair mostly have split ends and needs frequent deep conditioning treatment. Oil treatment for the scalp using almond, olive or coco nut oil will improve the problem also rinsing your hair is another good way.

Greasy Hair :
Caused by hormonal imbalances. Environment conditions like weather and humidity also contributes to the problem. Greasy hair looks dull, lank and isnt manageable for styling. It need frequent shampooing with mild shampoo and the ends of the hair need to be conditioned.

Combination Hair :
Very greasy at the scalp and dry split ends. Good conditioner is suitable to fix the problem. Try to avoid unhealthy food and you must have a good diet.

Milk Baths + DIY

Milk baths are an ideal way to nourish and soften your skin, And they can be a bit pricey from time to time so why not make your own ? Here's a few DIY'S 

 Add 4-5 teaspoons of milk powder to your bath water.

♥ Take a muslin bags and fill it with :
- 3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder
- 3 tablespoons of oatmeal powder
- 3 tablespoons of laundry starch

Dip the bag into a bucket of cold water and leave it immersed for five minutes or until the water turns milky. Bathe with this water.

♥  - 3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, 
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil
- 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder
- 2 pints of water to the milk and oatmeal powder.

strain and add the almond oil. pour into the tub, soak in this and rinse of with lukewarm water.

Bath Oils + DIY

Small drops of olive oil or almond oil added to the water to your bath leaves your skin in a creamy, shiny and smooth skin.

Aromatherapy is the use of scented essential oils. They help to improve circulation, soothe tiredness and even help fight infections. Rose, lavender, and camomile is said to be the best oils for relaxing. And inhaling essence like sandalwood and camomile is apparently calming to the mind. Continue reading for a DIY on how to make your own bath oil.

DIY : Rich Bath Oil.

You will need ;
- 4 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1 table spoon shampoo
- 16 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
- 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice

Method :
All the ingredients must be blended together, store in a glass bottle and use 1-2 tablespoons for your bath. Enjoy and relax x

The Perfect Winged Eyeliner

Want the perfect winged eye liner, but always find it hard to master and find it way too tricky ?Well today I'm showing how I do my winged eye liner, which is so easy to do. Just continue reading to find out how.

Start with the Barry M angled eye liner brush dip it into your favourite gel eye liner, i suggest the sleek gel eye liner in dominatrix or the Rimmel gel eye liner and dap it onto the back of your hand to remove any excess, just so you have a nice thin layer on the brush.

Look into the mirror and line the brush on the inner corner of your eye, and point it towards the end of your eye brow and join it to the outer corner of your eye.You will notice a small triangle and fill it in, Fill in the bottom lash line and connect it to the wing. Join any bits together to make it flow into each other. Using a matte black eye shadow go over the eye liner you just done to hold everything in place. i use the MAC and Mickey contractor palette. And your done, may take a bit of practice but never give up! xx

Avocado Mask - Dry Skin

( I just realised that I spelt avocado wrong. Well done Lola, well done ! )

Carrot Mask - Sensitive Skin