Thursday 19 June 2014

Charity Shop Haul: Fairy Tale Jigsaw Books

So the other day i went to the charity shop to give away a whole pile of old clothes that i don't wear any more or have simply gone small and have just been stuffed at the back of my closet getting lost with all the new clothes i buy.

While i was at the charity shop i decided to have a look around and i picked up these two fairy take books which i thought my 3 year old cousin Eliza would love, they both costed me 50p. I think the company of the books are 'Innovage'.

If still don't know what they are then they are fairy take jigsaw books, each book has 3 stories in them and each page has a puzzle for you to do. And i though it would be fun to read them to my cousin since she loves both reading and doing puzzles.

The first book i got had the three stories: Snow white and the seven dwarfs, Rumplestilskin, and Rapunzel. 

The second book had three different stories which were; Sleeping beauty. Puss in the boots, and Red riding hood. - This one had a few puzzle pieces missing but it wasn't brand new so its fine.

 Some of the pictures can be a bit weird or frightening especially this one from puss in boots. (Below) lets just hope that my cousin is not afraid of this picture.

But overall im quite happy with these books because they only costs 50p and you can't go wrong with that, i'll be sure to read these to Eliza, hopefully she will like it.